Saturday, June 28, 2014

Member of the Week: Meet Linh Duong!

     My name is Linh Duong, and I am a sophomore math major from good ole Biloxi, MS. It seems like just yesterday I made the best decision ever to pledge Chi Omega, but it was indeed last year which makes me a member of PC '13. My first year as a Chi Omega at Southern Miss was more exciting and rewarding than I could have ever expected (cliché, I know.. but it's true!). From watching movies at the house with newfound friends to dancing the night away at social functions with the best dance partners to cheering our booties off for our sisters competing in philanthropy events, I found a genuine home and the best of friends. Come this fall, I will be a part of the recruitment team to help show the amazing things Chi Omega has to offer.
      Well, a little bit about me.. Things I love include my family and friends, netflix, red velvet cake, making lists, and Lana Del Rey among other things. I am an avid New Orleans Saints fan, and I am definitely counting down the days until football season. I love all things the color pink, which is funny because I used to despise the color as a kid. One thing I could not live without is my planner. Dramatic, yes, but I am a nut about task management.
      A saying we have here at Southern Miss is to "leave it better than you found it," and by my involvement on campus I strive to do so. Our university has done so much for us, so I love giving back by being a leader on campus. I work as a math tutor for the First Year Initiative on campus. I enjoy this job so much because I get to combine both my passions for math (not as crazy as it sounds!) and for helping others. I am also currently involved with the Honors College, Student Government Association, Junior Panhellenic Council, and Lambda Sigma Honor Society.
      I am a Presidential Scholar which gives me access to Southern Miss's gem, the Honors College. Because of the Honors College, I have been able to form closer relationships with my professors and other scholars, some of which are Chi O sisters (we are smart cookies!). As a freshman, I was a part of Freshman Associates, a group of freshman leaders who work to better our university. This organization helped to strengthen my leadership skills and paved the way for me to be appointed as the Academic Affairs Director for the Student Government Association Executive Cabinet for 2014-2015 through which I will be working to serve the academic needs and wants of my peers. I am also a part of the Junior Panhellenic Council. This organization is made up of two members from each sorority on campus, and I have the privilege to represent Chi Omega. We as JPC work to serve as a voice for the new members of Panhellenic, and I carry on the role of Vice President of Committees. Lastly, I am a member of Lambda Sigma Honor Society, which is not only an honor society for sophomores but also an active service organization through which I can carry out my love for community service. 
      Within all of these organizations there is a strong presence of Greek Life. Therefore, I have met other Greek Life members who have been a source of encouragement, support, and friendship. This sense of family and community is definitely what you need to deal with the chaos of being a college student (in addition to cake). Also, I have already been benefitted by the networking opportunities that Chi Omega has given me. I was able to obtain my two jobs with the help of my sisters because they recommended me to their employers. For all of these things and more, I am so grateful that I joined Greek Life and found my home within Chi Omega. It has without a doubt helped to enhance my experience while being a flourishing student here at Southern Miss. SMTTT!

Linh Duong & the Epsilon Delta Chapter of Chi Omega

Friday, June 20, 2014

Member of the Week: Meet Kristen Lee!

            Hello! My name is Kristen Lee, and I am a senior Nutrition and Dietetics major here at USM. I am in PC ’11, which is “senior pledge class” this year, (I am still trying to get used to this!). Last year, I was the secretary of Chi Omega, so I was always the loud one calling roll at functions and events to make sure that all the Chi Omegas were present. Being secretary really opened my eyes to the chapter’s diversity, and it helped me learn how to balance my time and prioritize. Being secretary was definitely a privilege because it allowed me to get to know each member on a more personal level, even more so than I already did. Although we are one of the largest sororities at Southern Miss with about 160 active members, it is not difficult to get to know each member of the chapter. This is one of the aspects that I love most about Southern Miss Greek Life. Southern Miss Greek Life has big enough chapters to make a difference, but small enough to get to know everyone in the chapter. 
            Since I am a nutrition major, I am involved in a couple of nutrition related clubs. I have been a member of the Student Dietetic Association for three years, and I have recently been elected as the treasurer for the upcoming school year. I was elected to be an ambassador for the College of Health two years ago. Both organizations focus heavily on campus and community involvement in their own ways. Greek Life has helped me become involved on campus because it introduces me to new people every day and I always have a Chi Omega advisor who is willing to write a letter of recommendation for me.
            As I am trying to think of a favorite memory at USM, I notice that they all involve Chi Omega in some way. With that being said, one of my favorite USM memories is Songfest, which is Chi Omega’s philanthropy event. Now, I know you’re thinking that I had to put that down, but the truth is, I didn’t! Songfest is the oldest and largest Greek event on campus, and if that does not convince you how incredible Songfest is then you really just need to see it for yourself. It is entertaining, funny, and beautiful. Every member of every Greek organization is involved, and last year we raised over $50,000 for our philanthropy, Make A Wish! With this year being my last Songfest, I am really upset, but I rest easy knowing that I can always come back each year since it is open to the community.
            If I had to choose one word to describe myself, it would probably be sassy since Beyoncé is sassy and she is my idol. My favorite hobby (as cheesy as it may sound) is riding around with my besties jamming to Taylor Swift, since that is what we are usually doing if we aren’t studying. My weirdest talent is probably that I can twerk on my head. Feel free to be amazed. If I had to choose one food to eat every day for the rest of my life, it would probably be something involving chocolate.

            Finally, I believe that happiness is something you create for yourself. It is not something that you can wait on others to create for you. My idea of happiness is a sound mind, a happy heart, and a healthy body.

Kristen Lee & the Epsilon Delta Chapter of Chi Omega

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Member of the Week: Meet Rachel Smith!

Hi! My name is Rachel Smith and I am a junior at the University of Southern Mississippi. I pledged Chi Omega my freshman year and I am a member of the 2012 pledge class. I serve as the Corresponding Secretary on the Cardinal Cabinet board of Chi Omega. As corresponding secretary, it is my responsibility to communicate with other organizations and Greek chapters in the community on behalf of the Epsilon Delta Chapter. Although my role as Corresponding Secretary is business-like and kind of behind-the-scenes, serving on Cardinal Cabinet has been truly wonderful. I have enjoyed growing close with this dedicated group of girls, and working with them to ensure the success and overall well-being of our chapter has been very rewarding and exciting!
Other than Chi Omega, I am very involved on campus at USM through the organizations, Eagle Connection and Diamond Darlings. Eagle Connection is a group of student ambassadors that recruit and give tours to prospective students. Being selected to be a member of the Eagle Connection team is a competitive and nerve-racking process. Luckily, I was successful with the advice from other Chi Omegas that were experienced Eagle Connection members. Being an active member of Eagle Connection has been terrific in many ways. I have especially enjoyed getting to know and grow close to the other student ambassadors. I enjoy having the opportunity to contribute as a team to leave Southern Miss better than I found it. Diamond Darlings is a group of young women who help out with all kinds of exciting things at baseball games. Through Diamond Darlings I was able to establish friendships with young women in other Greek chapters, as well as spend time with other baseball-lovin’ Chi Omegas! Besides involvement with these organizations, you might also see me on campus working as a technical assistant in Cook Library. I have worked in the Learning Commons of the library since my freshman year. I love my job because I get to interact with and assist the majority of  students on campus, which this makes me happy because I love being a part of other students’ personal experiences here at Southern Miss.
My favorite spot on campus is an area that many students consider to be “the front” of campus. Between the oldest and most beautiful buildings on campus and hovering, ancient oak trees, is a beautifully landscaped and serene place. I have spent many lunch hours relaxing on benches in this area. This is without a doubt my happy place on campus.
Although I enjoy doing almost anything, the thing I do the most and enjoy the most is spending time with my family. I have a sort of large, but absolutely goofy, family that I love very much and never get tired of spending time with. I am happiest when cutting up with them. With my family’s help and support, I will be going on the British Studies program this summer to study in London! I am very excited to travel abroad and not only meet new people, but also see the sights with other Chi Omegas too!
If I had to choose one food to eat everyday for the rest of my life, it would undoubtedly be chocolate. Any chocolate, all chocolate, I love it!   
Overall, being involved on campus and joining Greek life has enriched my college experience in so many ways! It has opened doors to solid friendships and opportunities for which I am already seeing the benefits of networking opportunities! Also, I will be moving into a cottage with four pledge sisters in the fall along with giving eagle connection tours during which my love for the chapter and the University of Southern Mississippi will only grow!

Rachel Smith & the Epsilon Delta Chapter of Chi Omega 

Friday, June 6, 2014

Member of the Week: Meet Alicia Frazier!

Hey Y’all,
My name is Alicia Frazier and I am a Senior Communication Studies major from Petal, Mississippi. I am a member of the 2011 pledge class for Chi Omega here at Southern Miss and currently I am serving the chapter as Secretary.
Though Chi Omega has provided so many leadership and service opportunities to me while being a student here at Southern Miss, it has not limited my involvement in other areas. Just this past year I was the Secretary for Eagle Connection, the student recruitment team, and was an officer for the Eagle Ambassadors football recruiting organization. I also had the distinct privilege of serving as a Southern Style Ambassador for 2013. Other areas where I am and have been involved on campus are the Luckyday Scholarship program, Campus Crusade for Christ, and the Diamond Darlings. One of my other favorite involvements was Freshman Associates for 2011-2012.This year, I will be an executive board member for Golden Eagle Welcome Week, or better known as GEWW. In addition to my campus involvement, I have also had two jobs here at Southern Miss, one in the Office of Admissions as a student tour guide, and another as a Summer Conference Ambassador.
Now before any of this involvement was ever a thought in my imagination, I had to make a simple choice. I chose to “Go Greek.” Sorority recruitment and joining the Greek community singlehandedly opened the door for me, a clueless freshman, to get involved and be a leader here at Southern Miss. The deep friendships and connections that Greek life encourages is what makes the experience unlike any other on the university scale.
It is truly difficult to pin down one favorite memory/experience/spot on campus that I would claim as my own. To be honest, this entire campus would have to be my favorite and I could not say that I have ever had a bad experience. To choose one thing though would have to be the Southern Miss Founders and Awards day every spring. This is a time for alumni and current students to be together as the Golden Eagle family and celebrate the history and growth of our beloved university. Southern Miss has worked hard to get to where we are today; nothing was given to us or handed over on a silver platter. This lesson in hard work and dedication is something that any student can take away, but Greek life teaches its members that and so much more.

Fun Facts:

Describe yourself in one word: 
What is your favorite hobby? 
What is your weirdest talent?
-I am surprisingly good at remembering people’s names after I meet them one time. It might be a little creepy. 
What is your idea of happiness? 
-All of my Pinterest boards coming to life at my home, in my closet, in my refrigerator, etc…
If you had to choose one food to eat every day for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
-It would have to be the tomato basil soup from The Depot in downtown Hattiesburg.

Alicia Frazier & the Epsilon Delta Chapter of Chi Omega